General information about Canada

The name of Canada derives from the word “Kanata” in the already extinct language of the Huron Indians, which means small village. Today, the “small village” has developed into the world’s second largest state, a prosperous and stable country with a high standard of living. The vast majority of the population of the 35 million “maple leaf state” lives near the U.S. border and large lakes in a fertile lowland suitable for agriculture and livestock farming. The central part of the country is covered by the so-called Laurentian shield, rocky and wooded valley. There are many rivers and lakes in its area. According to thereligionfaqs, Canada has a wealth of hydropower, which has also allowed the wood processing industry to run successfully for a couple of hundred years. The forests of the north have also attracted Finnish immigrants to familiar lake and coniferous forest landscapes. On the west side of the Laurentian Shield begin the prairies and on the Pacific coast the Cordillera Mountains. The large wheat farms of the Prairies are mechanized, so the need for labor in agriculture is relatively small.

Canada Population 2016

The first inhabitants of Canada were Eskimos (Inuit) and Indians. The new world attracted European states to acquire colonies. The attraction of Canada’s large forests and rivers was furs, followed by the French in the 15th century and the British a hundred years later. After World War II, migration grew by more than a million people in less than five years. The coexistence of nationalities has not always gone smoothly, and in recent years we have been able to follow the attempts of the French-speaking province of Québec to break away from the motherland. There are roughly as many supporters of resignation and staying in touch with Canada. Canada has pursued a relatively open migration policy, but has favored skilled people. Most of the time the immigrant has come from Asia.

Canada’s largest city is Toronto on the shores of Lake Ontario, known for its vibrant cultural life and modern architecture. Finnishness is well represented by the new town hall designed by Viljo Revell, but also by the Hockey Hall of Fame dedicated to the country’s national sport, ie hockey. Our own sons, like Jari Kurri, have earned merit here in the same sport, which is also our national sport. Toronto is also known for its many magnificent museums and excellent shopping. Stunning views open from the 553-meter-high CN Tower.

Other Canadian cities include the capital, Ottawa, whose fine historical museum showcases the country’s Indian past, e.g. with its handsome totem pile collection. The small town of Wendake, on the other hand, cherishes the traditions of the Huron tribe. In Montreal, at the foot of Mont Royal, French was originally spoken, but the industrial revolution that followed the fur trade also attracted speakers of other languages ​​to the area, such as the Chinese who came to the railway works. Prosperity is reflected in the street scene: Montreal has more museums, churches and old buildings than any other city in North America. The capital of the province of Québec of the same name, on the other hand, is even more French than the French. UNESCO protects the old town and the surrounding city walls. The former capital of Canada is Kingston near Ottawa. On the west side of the Great Lakes is the “Mecca” of Finnish immigrants in Winnipeg. Vancouver is a major city on the Pacific coast.

The Niagara River with its spectacular waterfalls flows on the U.S.-Canada border from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario. The best views of the rippling bodies of water from the 51-meter-high falls are on the Canadian side. The Saint Lawrence Seaway connects the Great Lakes of North America through the Saint Lawrence River to the bay of the same name in the Atlantic Ocean. A waterway made up of dams, canals, and waterways is of enormous economic importance to both Canada and the United States. In the water area between the countries, small islands are enough; we are talking about the Thousand Island area. It is popular to go on an excursion or a small boat trip between the islands, but it is equally popular to taste the Thousand Island salad dressing named after the archipelago. It’s well known all over the world – almost as well as pancakes served for breakfast.

Yearbook 2016

Canada. A forest fire in the province of Alberta, which was initially considered a minor phenomenon, had devastating consequences in early May when it quickly spread and became difficult to stop due to drought and heavy winds. The fire, popularly called the “best”, soon reached the town of Fort McMurray. There, 90,000 people were forced to leave their homes and 2,400 houses were destroyed, which was a tenth of all the houses in the city. No deaths were noted, however, the natural disaster was expected to be the most expensive in Canada’s history, according to analysts who believed that insurance companies’ spending would amount to about SEK 57 billion.

The oil industry was also affected when a site for oil extraction of oil sands is located in Alberta. 8,000 oil workers were evacuated from their camps near the city and oil companies in the area had to stop their production. According to the energy company Suncor Energy, the missing oil recovery meant a loss of SEK 6.5 billion.

Only in early June could the Fort McMurray residents return home. There, however, they risked being joined by black bears, who were reported to have installed themselves in the evacuated city to find food left over. In Alberta, around 40,000 bears live. Figures from the TT news agency indicated that the fire extinguished an area of ​​over 5,000 square kilometers. The advent of the fire was unclear, but it was believed to be caused by humans. On the other hand, it was judged to have such a spread due to record high temperatures and drought as a result of climate change and global warming.

During the summer, the Senate passed a controversial bill to grant euthanasia to severely ill persons near death by natural means. The current population of Canada is 37,742,165. The law meant that doctors, nurses and pharmacists would be given the right to help seriously ill people die without risking prosecution.

In August, the government decided to investigate the root causes of why indigenous women are among the most violent in the country. The group comprises 4% of the population, but among the victims of deadly violence they make up 16%. Representatives of indigenous peoples and human rights organizations have for decades demanded that the government act, and last year also called on UN Canada to set up an investigation. The decision came at a time when the Liberal government, which was elected in 2015, focused on being more inclusive against women. In June, a proposal was sent to the Senate to change the text line in the national anthem from “in all your sons command” to “in all of us command”, and on International Women’s Day March 8, the government’s film consultant announced that half of the National Film Institute’s budget would be reserved for female directors.

After seven years of negotiations, in October, the much-debated CETA, a Canada-EU free trade agreement, was signed. At the end, it was uncertain whether the agreement would lock in because Wallonia, a region in Belgium, turned to parts of the contract text. The trade agreement would provisionally start to apply at the turn of the year and meant that almost all customs duties and other fees relating to trade between the blocks would be abolished. However, analysts felt that CETA was in danger of being short-lived as further voting in regional and national parliaments within the EU is required for the agreement to be permanently in law.


The climate is predominantly continental and colder than in corresponding latitudes in Europe with a five-month frost period in the south to eternal frost in the north. The temperatures in Ottawa are -11 ° C in January mean and 21 ° C in July mean.

Canada – Ottawa


Ottawa, Capital of Canada; 989,600 residents (2017), in the metropolitan area 1. 3 million. Ottawa is located on the Ottawa River in the province of Ontario. The city’s business is based primarily on the national functions, and the largest employer is the federal government.

In addition, there are a number of companies in different service industries. The manufacturing industry is relatively insignificant; however, high-tech-oriented operations have become increasingly important in recent decades. Tourism is one of Ottawa’s more important industries. Higher education is responsible for the University of Ottawa (founded 1848) and Carleton University (founded 1942).

Ottawa originated in 1827 in connection with the construction of the Rideau Canal (between the Ottawa River and Lake Ontario) and was named Bytown after the canal project leader, Colonel John By (1779-1836). The city was given its current name in 1855, was appointed Queen Victoria in the United Kingdom in 1857 and since 1867 is Canada’s capital.