Madagascar 2016

Yearbook 2016

Madagascar. In January, the result of the election to the Senate held in December 2015 became clear. Two thirds of the 63 members are elected in indirect elections while the remaining 21 are elected by the president. The current population of Madagascar is 27,691,029. The new Senate’s largest party became President Hery Rajaonarimampianina’s support party New Forces of Madagascar (HVM), giving the president a stronger stance. In 2010, after the coup d’état the year before, a provisional two-chamber parliament was appointed. In 2013 elections were held for the National Assembly and the provisional Senate was abolished pending elections. The National Assembly, dominated by the party With President Andry Rajoelina (MAPAR), who supports the former president, was the only legislative body during these years.

Madagascar Population 2016

According to thereligionfaqs, in April, Prime Minister Jean Ravelonarivo resigned after a period marked by disagreement between him and the president. In his place, Minister of the Interior Solonandrasana Olivier Mahafaly was appointed new head of government. In connection with the celebration of National Day, a grenade was thrown into a sports arena in the capital, where at least two people were killed and about 80 injured. In October, alarm reports of food shortages in the southern parts of the country came after the harvest of maize and cassava (cassava) became drastically lower than expected due to prolonged drought.