Weather in New York City

Climate table for New York City

Jan Feb March Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Max. Temperature in ° C 3 5 10 16 23 27 30 29 26 18 13 5
Min. Temperature in ° C -3 -3 1 5 12 16 19 19 16 10 4 0
Hours of sunshine per day 5 6 7 8 8 10 10 11 9 7 6 6
Rainy days per month 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 7 6 6 8 8

Weather in New York City outside of the best travel time

The four seasons are clearly distinguishable from each other in New York City . Spring and autumn bring mild temperatures and pleasant weather for sightseeing. In summer vacationers have to be prepared for very hot days and in winter for very cold days. Extreme climatic conditions caused by hurricanes or tornadoes, such as in Florida, are the exception in New York. The amount of precipitation and the rainy days are evenly distributed over the year. Although the best time to visit New York City is March, April, May, June, September and October, a trip to the Big Apple is delightful at any time of the year. If you are well prepared for the weather, nothing stands in the way of a New York City vacation. Find out below what temperatures there are in summer and winter and how many rainy days and hours of sunshine you can expect in New York City. So you are well prepared for the climate of the cosmopolitan city.

New York City weather in winter

Between mid- January and the end of March you can spend your New York vacation at a bargain price. This is due to the cold temperatures of these months. Because in winter it can get frosty. Icy winds and blizzards are not uncommon at this time of year. To get from attraction to attraction, you have to resort to taxi, Uber or subway during the winter months. But be warned: Snow and slippery roads can cause traffic chaos in New York City in winter. The coldest months are January and February with temperatures as low as -3 degrees. In December, temperatures are between 0 and 5 degrees Celsius. In January you have to be prepared for an average of five hours of sunshine and in February for six hours of sunshine per day. In December there are eight rainy days per month and six hours of sunshine a day. There are nine rainy days in January and February. In exceptional cases, temperatures can drop to as low as -20 degrees Celsius. Despite the climate, New York City is worth a trip even in winter. Regardless of whether it is at Christmas, New Year’s Eve or Valentine’s Day – the Big Apple exudes a very special magic. During this time, the prices for a New York vacation are significantly more expensive. If you want to spend days in the metropolis over Christmas or New Year’s Eve, you have to plan your trip early. Because flights and hotels are quickly booked out. A highlight during the cold season is Ice skate in Central Park or in front of Rockefeller Center. Even New Year’s Eve in Times Square is a unique experience regardless of freezing temperatures. If you want to explore New York in winter, you have to wrap up warm to defy the snow and the freezing cold. So you can spend unforgettable days in the cosmopolitan city even outside of the best travel time for New York City.

New York weather in the winter months:

  • November 4 ° C, 6 hours of sunshine, 8 rainy days
  • December : 0 ° C, 6 hours of sunshine, 8 rainy days
  • January : -3 ° C, 5 hours of sunshine, 9 rainy days
  • February : -3 ° C, 6 hours of sunshine, 9 rainy days

New York City weather in summer

According to thereligionfaqs, the summer in New York City often brings high temperatures of over 30 degrees Celsius and humid air with it. Even at night it doesn’t cool down particularly in the metropolis. The warmest month of the year is July with an average of 30 degrees . The thermometer climbs to 29 degrees in August as well. For people with cardiovascular problems, a New York City vacation is not recommended during these months. If you don’t mind the humid and warm weather in summer, the city is definitely worth a trip during this time. But be warned: on some days in midsummer temperatures can be 40 degrees Celsius and more. In the months of June and July the sun shines an average of ten hours a day. In August, you can expect the most hours of sunshine , namely eleven in number. Besides September and October, August is the month with the fewest rainy days per month. On average, there are seven days of rain in August. If it gets too warm in Manhattan in summer, you can go to Coney Island Beach relax. Throw yourself in the Atlantic to cool off during the day before returning to the heated city in the evening. Alternatively, you can take refuge in a museum or one of the air-conditioned shopping malls. For music lovers, New York City has a lot to offer in July and August. Listen to your favorite interpreters in Central Park or Bryant Park when the temperature is pleasant. Attending an open-air concert on a warm summer evening is guaranteed to be an unforgettable experience.

New York weather in the summer months

New York weather in the summer months:

  • June: 27 ° C, 10 hours of sunshine, 9 rainy days
  • July: 30 ° C, 10 hours of sunshine, 8 rainy days
  • August: 29 ° C, 11 hours of sunshine, 7 rainy days